

of the


1700 -1925

Compiled by: Donn Haven Lathrop

The compiler is well aware that this list may include a number of inaccuracies and omissions--some his own, and some made by others.  Compilation of this listing of necessity depends very heavily on the accuracy of many previous research efforts by different members of the NAWCC, as well some who were not members.  However, all of us should very much appreciate that these people realized the relevance and the importance of preserving the records of our horological past for the edification of the present.

  • Alphabetical sections: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
    People and businesses are listed by (last) name, together with the city in which they worked and the documented year or range of years of that work.
  • Comments (general)
  • Endnotes (numbered according to Roman numeral superscripts on names)
    Note:  73 names have asterisks, with or without an endnote number; this marking is explained in endnote vi.
  • References (cited in Endnotes)

© 5 August, 1992
1700 - 1925

« A »

ABBOTT,* Addison Paris 1855
ADAMS, Nathan Wiscasset 1755-1825
ADAMS, Smith Bangor, Milltown, Calais 1828-1901
ALLARD, Isaac, Jr.* Belfast 1855
ALLEN, George W.* Waldoboro' (sic) 1855
APPLETON, James W., Jr.i Portland 1785-1862

« B »

BACON, Charles E.ii Biddeford 1832-1898
BAILEY, Calvin Bath 1761-1835
BAILEY, John IIIiii Portland 1787-1883
BAILEY, Lebbeus North Yarmouth 1763-1827
BAILEY, Lebbeus Jr. Portland 1791-1849
BAILEY, Lebbeus & Son Portland 1816
BAILEY, Lyman C. Calais 1860
BAKER, Edward* Belfast 1855
BAYLEY, Lebbensiv Maine c. 1800
BANGOR ELECTRIC CLOCK CO.v Bangor prior to 1898
BANKS, Edward P. Portland 1800-1860
BANKS & HATCH* Portland 1855
BATES, Henryvi Eastport 1855
BEAN, Cotton,* & vii Limerick 1855
BEAN and DAY Biddeford late 1800's
BEMIS, Augustus Paris 1796-?
BEMIS, Jonathan Paris Hill 1788-1851
BERRY, Ira Jr. Portland 1875
BERWICK, Abnerviii Berwick 1820
BISBEE, Charles Jr. Brunswick 1757-1833
BISBEE, J. Brunswick 1798-1825
BLAISDELL, Nicholas Falmouth (Portland) 1743-1800
BLAKE, E. G. Farmington 1860-1875
BLANCK, L. Augusta n/d
BLANCK, A. Augusta n/d
BLETHEN, A. G. Dover 1875
BLISS, Mosesix n/p n/d
BLOOD, Simeon* Rockland 1855
BLOOD & HIXxxi Rockland 1887
BLOOD (Simeon) & PALMER (Greenleaf W.) Rockland 1855
BLOOD, William H.*, xxi Thomaston 1855
BOLKOM, Ebenezer Waterville 1844
BOND, Williamx Portland 1790
BRACKETT, Oliver Limington 1800-1869
BRACKETT, Reuben Vassalboro, Unity 1791-1867
BRADFORD and CONANTxi Auburn c. 1865
BRADFORD and PINKHAM xi Auburn c. 1845
BURNHAM, Enoch xii Paris, Portland, Westbrook, Rumford 1770-18??

« C »

CARY, James Jr.xiii Brunswick 1790-1865
EASTMAN & CARYxiii Brunswick 1806-1809
CHASE, Hiram Belfast 1818-1900
CHASE, Timothy Belfast 1793-1875
CHURCH, William F.xiv Skowhegan 1811
CLAPP, Amasa L.xv Bangor 1836
CLAPP, Amasaxv Calais 1875
CLAPP, A. L.xv Calais 1875
CLAPP & SMITH xv Bangor 1836
SHAW & CLARK* Biddeford 1855
CLEAVES, C. J.xvi Biddeford 1860
CLEAVES & KIMBALL* Biddeford 1855
CLEAVES, E. W.xvi Steuben mid-1800's
COBURN, Johnxvii York 1724-1803
COFFIN, Henry T. Nobleboro c. 1850
COFFIN, Simeon Yarmouth 1820-1840
COLLINS, Jamesxvii Anson 1775-??
BRADFORD and CONANTxi Auburn mid-1800's
CORLISS, A. G. Portland c. 1860
CROOKER, J. M. & Co.* Waterville 1855
CURRIER, Thomas D.xix Waldoboro early 1800's

« D »

DAKIN, James Wiscasset 1770-1800
DALRYMPLE, John Portland 1810
DAVENPORT, Anthony Portland 1752-1836
DAVIS, Elias Gardiner 1782-1856
DEAGAN, J. C.xx n/p n/d
DENNNISON, Aaron Lufkin Brunswick 1812-1895
DERMOT, Thomasxxi Rockland late 1800's
DERRY CLOCK COMPANYxxii Incorporated in the State of Maine 1908-1911
DILL, J. C. Farmington late 1800's
DINSMORE, James D. Brunswick 1805-??
DOLE, Daniel Noyesxxiii Hallowell & Wiscasset 1775-1841
DOLE, Ebenezer Gove Hallowell 1805-1885
DONNELL, C. C. Bath 17??-18??
DOTEN, Herbert E.xxiv Lewiston 1905
WHEATON & DOUGLASlxxx Portland 1812
DOUGLAS, John W. Portland 1813
DUDLEY, Walter J.lvii Bangor 1891-1900
DUNGON, Augustus* Portland 1855
DUNNING, Joseph Nye b. Brunswick 1793?

« E »

EASTMAN, Abiel Blanchardxxv Belfast 1788-1822
EASTMAN, Robertxxv Belfast, Brunswick 1783-?
EASTMAN & CARYxiii Brunswick 1806-1809
EASTMAN. S.xxvi Portland 1886
EDMUNDS, W. H. Bangor late 1800's
EDWARDS, Samuel Jr., Gorham 1788-1853
ELLIOT, Benjamin R. Farmington mid-1800's
ELLIOTT & STAPLES* Farmington 1855
ELLIS, John & Co.* Bangor 1855
ELLIS, R. N.* Bluehill 1855
EMERSON, William G. Newport c. 1830
EMERY, James* Bucksport 1855

« F »

FARRAR, D.* Lewiston 1855
FELT, A. E.* Portland 1855
FELT, J. F.xxvii Portland c. 1825
FELT, Jesse S. Portland 1855
FENDERSON, James H. Biddeford 1895
FENNO & HALE Bangor 1855
FERNALD, H.xxviii Portland n/d
FISHER, Jonathan Bluehill 1768 -1847
FISKE, H. P.xxix Waterville 1879
FITTS, George Bangor c. 1830-1860
FITZ, Williamxxx Portland 1770-1827
FLITNER, David Neal Pittston, Brunswick, Hawaii 1846-1868
FOSTER, Andrew* Machias 1855
FOSTER, John C.xxxi Portland 1803-1834
FORSKOLL, Abraham Saco 1790-1864
FREEMAN, Prentiss A. Biddeford 1895

« G »

GEE, Solomon, Jr.* Orono 1855
GERRISH, Charles. O. Saco 1895
GERRISH, Oliver Portland 1796-1888
GERRISH & PEARSON, Nathanielxxxii Portland 1858-1877
GILMAN, Nathaniel J. Portland 1855
GILLMAN, ____ Hallowell no date/no data
GILMAN and INGALLSxxxiii Dexter no date/no data
GOODHUE, Richard Shotswellxxxiv Portland 1794-1856
GOODHUE, Samuel Shatswellxxxiv Portland 1794-1856
GOODNOW & LUFKIN xxxv Bucksport 1815-1820
GRIBBEN, ____ Belfast no date/no data
GRINDLE, Isaiah Ellsworth 1855
GRUEBY, Edward L.xxxvi Portland 1800-1881
GUERTIN, L. V. Biddeford 1895

« H »

FENNO & HALE* Bangor 1855
HALL, Amasaxxxvii Lewiston no date
HALL, Daniel G. Lewiston, Gray 1860-1875
HALL, Jeremiah* Frankfort 1855
HALL, John* Milltown, Calais 1855
HALL, Kilah xxxvii Livermore no date
HALL & BRIGGS* Lewiston Falls 1855
HAMLEN, Nathaniel Augusta 1741-1834
HARLOW, William* Portland 1855
HARPER, James* Houlton 1855
HARRIS, John* Portland 1855
BANKS & HATCH* Portland 1855
HAYDEN, John Bath 1860
HEATH, S. W. & Co.* Bath 1855
HEATH, Willard B. Bangor 1860-1875
HERVEY, Calvin* Belfast 1855
HILL, Charles I. Bath 1875
HIX, T. W. Jr.xxxviii Rockland 1887
BLOOD & HIXxxi Rockland 1887
HOLBROOK, Georgexxxix Eastport 1767-1846
HOLBROOK, Solomon Wiscasset late 1800's
HOOPER, Nathaniel Jr.* Castine 1855
HOPKINS, Jason R. Lincoln, Bangor mid-1800's
HOWARD & TOWN Belfast 1845-1849
HUNT, Hiram xl Bangor, Robbinston 1806-1866

« I »

ILSLEY, David Smithxli Portland 1801-1827
ILSLEY & TITCOMBxli & lxxv Portland 1825-1826
GILMAN and INGALLSxlii Dexter no date/no data

« J »

JACKSON, Thomasxliii Kittery 1727-1806
JAMES, Charles* Eastport 1855
JENKINS, Isaac* Detroit 1855
JOHNSON, J.xliv Saco 1868
JOY, E. E. Ellsworth late 1800's
LUFKIN & JOHNSONxlv Bucksport 1806-1813

« K »

KALISH, B. S. Bangor c. 1870
KENDALL, Sullivan Hallowell 1787-1853
KENNARD, John Kittery (born) 1781-1861
CLEAVES & KIMBALL* Biddeford 1855
KNOWLES, Robert Bangor ca. 1830-1840

« L »

LAMSON, Charles H.xlvi Portland c. 1875
LANGDON, William G. Wiscasset 1811-1906
LEAVITT, Boyd C.* Newport 1855
LOCKE, H. J. Belfast late 1800's
LOCKE, John L.* Camden 1855
LORD, C.* Calais 1855
LOVIS, Georgexlvii Portland b. 1781- w. 1806
LOVIS, Josephxlvii Portland b. 1769- w. 1809
LOVIS, Josiahxlvii Portland b. 1779- w. 1807
LOVIS, Joseph & Georgexlvii Portland 1804
LOWELL, Abner Portland 1812-1881
LOWELL, John* Bangor 1855
LOWELL & SENTERlxix Portland 1830-1870
LOWELL, W. W.* Calais 1855
LUCAS, C. H.xlviii Canton 1886
LUCY, D. E.xlix Houlton 1860
LUFKIN, Asal Bucksport 1786-1859
LUFKIN & JOHNSONl Bucksport 1806-1813
GOODNOW & LUFKINl Bucksport 1815

« M »

MACOMBER, Samuel H.* Rockland 1855
McCRACKEN, J.* Calais 1855
McDONALD, H. E. Belfast 1875
McKENNEY, S. C.* Gardiner 1855
McKENNEY & WESTON* Lewiston 1855
MANLEY, Amasa Norridgewock 1780-1850
MANLEY, Horace Ellsworth 1828
MANSFIELD, Warren W. Portland late 1800's
MARTIN, George A. Bethel c. 1870
MARSTON, T. H. G.* Bath 1855
MASTERS, John Bath 1770-1846
MASTERS, William Bath 1806-1854
MAYHEW, John Adams Bangor 1830-1865
MEAD, Benjamin Wiscasset 17??-18??
MEDER, George A. Dover 1860-1875
MERRIL, J. Ambrose Portland 1860
MERRILL, Fred L. Portland late 1800's
MERRILL & QUIMBY* Portland 1855
MILLER, Jacobli Monmouth? no date
MILLIKEN, Lyman B. Saco 1895
MIXER, Charles Thomas Saco 1835
PUTNAM & MIXER Saco 1826
MONROE, Charleslii Bangor c. 1840
MOORE, E. L. Steuben c. 1857
MOORE, H. S.* Rockland 1855
MOORES, Edmund Bath, Thomaston, Belfast 1790-1828
MORSE, Andrew, Jr.liii Bloomfield (Skowhegan) 1806-1890
MOULTON, Edward Sherburneliv Saco 1778-1855
MOULTON, Enoch Portland 1780-1826
MOULTON, Thomaslv Alfred 1794-1834
MULLIKEN, Nathaniellvi Hallowell 1776-1847
MULLIKEN, Samuellvi Hallowell 1769-18??
MUNROE, Charles lii Portland 1796-1881

« N »

NEW ENGLAND ELECTRIC CLOCK CO.lvii Bangor c. 1891-1902
NORWOOD, J. K.* Eastport 1855
NUTTER, Enoch Hoytlviii Portland prior to 1826

« O »

OSBORNE, John Jr.* Foxcraft (Foxcroft?) 1855

« P »

BLOOD (Simeon) & PALMER (Greenleaf W.)* Rockland 1855
PARRY, Martin Kittery 1758-1802
PARSONS, Henry C.* Dexter 1855
PATTEN, B. F. S.* Bangor 1855
PATTEN, Zebulonlix Bangor 1830's-1870
PATTERSON, A. Y.* Calais 1855
PEARSON, Henry Sleeperlx Portland 1789-1878
GERRISH and PEARSON, Nathanielxxxi Portland 1858-1877
PENDEXTER, E. X. Portland late1800's
PETTENGILL, Charles* Brunswick 1855
PIGOTT, John Portland ca. 1794
PIERSON, Henry S.lx Portland early 1800's
PIERRET, Henry S.lx Portland 1834
PIKE, Humphrey lxi Limerick 1780-18??
BRADFORD and PINKHAM xi Auburn c. 1845
PLACE, W. S.lxii Charleston 1850's
POOLER, John lxiii Skowhegan c. 1800‹1810
POPE MFG. CO.lxiv Portland 1887
PURINTON, William lxv Berwick, Portland & Vassalboro 1803
PURINGTON, Woodbury M. Rockland late 1800's
PURINGTON, William lxv Portland 1811
PUTNAM & MIXER Saco 1826

« Q »

QUICK TRAIN ROCKFORD WATCH CO. Waldoboro no date/no data
QUIMBY, Henry lxvi Portland ca. 1830
QUIMBY, Phineas Parkhurst Belfast 1802-1866
QUIMBY, William Belfast 1792-1879
MERRILL & QUIMBY* Portland 1855
QUINCY, Henry Portland 1801-1879
QUINCY, H. G.* Portland 1855
HENRY QUINCY & Co. Portland 1823-1846
QUINCY, William A. Portland 1800-1878
QUINCY, William Salter Portland 1789-1823
QUINCY, William S. & Son Portland 1823-1824

« R »

RANLET, Samuel lxvii Monmouth 1780-1867
RICHARDS, Freeman C. Belfast ca. 1820
RICHARDS, Samuel (Jr.?) Paris 1860
ROBBINS, Samuel F. Portland 1875
ROBY, Desire Biddeford 1895
ROGERS, Abner Berwick, Portland 1777-1809
ROGERS, George W.lxviii Alfred 1770-1847
ROGERS, Nathaniel Windham early 1800's
ROGERS, Paul Berwick 1752-1818
ROGERS, Paul & Son, Berwick c. 1804-08
ROGERS, W. W.* Ellsworth 1855
ROWELL, John A.lxix Livermore Falls 182?-1897
ROSS BROTHERS Calais late 1800's
ROWSE,Edward, Jr.* Augusta 1855
RUSSELL, I. J. Farmington late 1800's
RUSSELL, Stephen A.* Bethel 1855

« S »

SABINE, E. J.* Eastport 1855
SAVAGE, D.* Eastport 1855
SAWYER, Daniel* Eastport 1855
SENTER, Williamlxix Portland 1813-1888
LOWELL & SENTER lxix Portland 1830-1870
WILLIAM SENTER & Co.lxx Portland 1873-1888
SHAW, F. L.lxxi Rockland 1890
SHAW & CLARK* Biddeford 1855
SHOREY, Edwin O. Bluehill 1841
SIMPSON, Samuel Portland 1824
SMITH, Eugene O. Bath 1875
SMITH, M.* Saco 1855
SMITH, O. W.lxxii Bangor 1883
SMITH, Zebulon lxxiii Bangor, Ellsworth (1849) 1786-1865
SMITH (Zebulon) & SKERRY (Henry F.)lxxiii Bangor 1846
CLAPP & SMITH xv, lxxii Bangor 1836
SNOW, Benjamin Augusta 1783-179?
ELLIOTT & STAPLES* Farmington 1855
STARR, J. B. Thomaston 1826
STEELE, William & Co.* Portland 1855
STEVENS, John (& Co.)* Bangor 1834-1850
STEVENS, Phineas Kennebunk 1813-(18556)
STONE, Daniel C.* Bangor 1855
STORRS, C. D. Portland no date/no data
SUGDEN, E. O. Orland 1872-1957
SWAN, Benjamin Augusta 1792-1867
SWAN, Moses M. Augusta 1818-1865
B. & M. M. Swanlxxiv Augusta 1846
SWIFT, Charles Gardiner 1855
SYNCHRONOUS TIME CO.lxxv Portland 1886-1888

« T »

TABER, John Saco, Alfred 1796-1859
THAYER, H. C. Kennebunkport early 1800's
TITCOMB, Albertlxxvi Portland, Bangor 1802-1890
TITCOMB, Albert & Philliplxxvi Bangor 1835
ILSLEY & TITCOMBxl Portland 1825-1826
TOLFORD, Joshua Saco, Kennebunk, Portland 1804-1819
HOWARD & TOWN Belfast 1845-1849
TWOMBLEY, George E.lxxvii Biddeford 1895
TWOMBLEY, R (ufus). D.lxxvii Biddeford (Saco, 1855)6 c. 1870
TWOMBLEY, Samuel G.lxxvii Biddeford 1880
S. G. TWAMBLEY & SONlxxvii Biddeford 1895
TWAMBLEY & CLEAVESlxxvii Biddeford 1870
TWOMBLEY & CLEAVESlxxvii Biddeford c. 1870
TWOMBLEY & SMITHlxxvii Saco 1855

« U, V »

UPJOHN, James lxxviii Augusta early 1800's

« W »

WADE, L. T. Farmington late 1800's
WALTON, S. B.lxxix Livermore Falls c. 1850
WALTON, Simeon lxxix Paris and Norway 1780?-1862
WARD, Jonathan Fryeburg 1802
WARD, Nathan Fryeburg c. 1801
WASHBURN, D. E.* Machias 1855
WATSON, ____ Paris Hill c. 1840
WEEKS, Jason Bangor mid-1800's
WENTWORTH, Robertlxxx Buxton 1786-1866
McKENNEY & WESTON Lewiston 1855
WEYMOUTH, A. H. Calais 1855
WHEATON, Godfreylxxxi Portland 1801-1851
WHEATON & DOUGLASlxxxi Portland 1812
WHITMAN, Ezra Winthrop 1769-1851
WHITTEN BROS. Winterport 1875
WILKINS, Asa lxxxii Wiscasset 1810-1832
WILL, T. D. Lisbon 1895-1912
WINGATE, Charles F.* Augusta 1855
WINGATE, C. J.* Waterville 1855
WINGATE, Frederick B. Augusta 1782-1864
WINGATE, Paine Augusta 1767-1833
WITHERS, M. P. C. Bangor 1860-1875
WORTHLEY, N. T.lxxxiii Bath 1860
WRIGHT, Charles Cushinglxxxiv b. Damariscott(a) 1796-1854
WRIGHT, Sullivan Wiscasset 1860

« X, Y, Z »


© August 5, 1993 Donn Haven Lathrop

These comments are due to the many anomalies, oddities, discrepancies, and in some cases, outright errors noted while researching this list. In checking various sources it was also noted that many lists appeared to be blind copies of previously compiled lists. Nutting, for instance, follows Moore very nearly letter for letter in his Clock Book although he listed nearly 500 new names in Volume #3 of his Furniture Treasury. Distin & Bishop follow Palmer and Drepperd very closely: yet again, they also list many new names, unfortunately without comments and without source as did Palmer in his lists. The most unsettling phenomenon is the seemingly blind duplication of a previous list, apparently without any sort of check on the validity of that listing. The ubiquitious Abner Berwick; his boon companion in many of these lists, Henry S. Pierret of both Portland and Philadelphia, and Henry Quimby (evidently the same man) are some of the most startling errors noted. Of these, the first two have appeared in list after list, yet this must not be construed as a criticism of the compilers, but it is symptomatic of the immense amount of hand labor done in the collection, collation, and publishing of these names. Can you imagine the reaction of either Brooks Palmer or George Eckhardt if someone had dropped a Macintosh computer into their lives? All those who have striven in the compilation of these listings have my heartfelt sympathy and admiration. Carl W. Drepperd mentions that a Dr. D. W. Hering in (probably) the late thirties or the early forties collated a list of the then known clock and watchmakers in the country through 1825. Maine had a grand total of 12! Since then the list has grown steadily through the years: Maine can now boast of at least 92 men involved in clock and watchmaking alone during that time span. This number does not (I hope) include any who were listed as casemakers, bell founders, and others who never crossed out a wheel. The total number of those involved in horological pursuits in Maine is now well over three hundred!

Look as I might, I could fnd no women's names amongst this throng. That there were women involved in clockmaking, and that they are most capable in that endeavor, is obvious to anyone perusing any of the primary references, such as Palmer or Drepperd. Perhaps the struggle to achieve mere survival of the family with its dawn to dusk never-ending labors, much less to engage in any such 'frivolous' pursuit as clockmaking, was enough for most of them. There is also the strong suspicion that the mores of the waning years of the eighteenth century, and the early years of the nineteenth century would not permit of such in the social and religious atmosphere then prevalent. Women did not have an easy time of it in the early days of the District of Maine, nor during Statehood after 1820. I must admit to being startled the first time I picked up a copy of Hannah Moores' The Old Clock Book several years ago---all my previous experience had been with authors and collectors who were men. In the Northeast, which is my primary area of interest, only Lillian Baker Carlisle, in Vermont Clock and Watchmakers, Silversmiths and Jewelers has broken the mold. While reflecting on this situation, sheer curiosity prompted a look through my records on the clocks I have serviced. Nearly ninety percent of the work on clocks is requested by the woman of the family--they are the custodians, conciously or unconciously, of a very great deal of horological history. Time and again, the comment is heard, "This clock was a wedding gift to my (great) (grand) mother". Old Simon was right on the mark with his presentation timepieces: how much more useful and likely to be treasured was a clock to a new family than just another carpet beater? Although many of the names in this list of Maine clock, watch, and casemakers appear in Britten (9th Ed., 1986), I chose not to list this as a reference, since the majority of the entries in Britten for American clock and watchmakers, without any particular exceptions, appear to depend very heavily on Moore who, oddly enough, is not cited as a reference by the Editors, nor does she appear in Britten's Select Bibliography (Pg. 675). Nutting, whose CLOCK BOOK and Furniture Treasury are cited therein, appears to draw extensively upon Moore as a source, although the later Treasury adds nearly 500 names to his list. Further, the listings in Britten are directed, appropriately enough, toward the English makers, with the editorial comment that "additions outside London are again not exhaustive, but 'facts which happened to be within reach'." I was initially disenchanted when I found Britten listed "BERWICK, Abner, of Berwick, Me." with a perfectly straight face, but later somewhat bemused as I found the same name again and again (in a total of six different lists, including Britten) in the records compiled on horology in this country, ranging from Moore in 1911, to Distin & Bishop in 1976. Wouldn't it be nice to fnd a clock signed 'Abner Berwick' somewhere?

This particular compilation introduced me to an entirely new source of information. The Fredyma family, Paul, Marie-Louise, and James P., Jr., and John, of Hanover, New Hampshire has been involved in antiques (primarily coin silver) since the Sixties, and have as a result of their researches published directories of silversmiths and clock and watchmakers in all the New England states. The Directory of Maine Silversmiths and Watch and Clockmakers they published in 1972 has identifed many more clock and watchmakers of Maine, and confirmed that many who were only probables were actually makers.

i. James Appleton is listed by Flynt & Fales in 12, Pg. 145, as a silversmith living in Portland. Is this the father of James W. Appleton, Jr., of Appleton, Tracy & Co? Or are the two Appletons one and the same? The company evidently did business in Portland, but the majority of references put Appleton in Massachusetts.

ii. Parsons in 22, Pg. 289, states that Bacon was born in Biddeford, and was at work in Dover, NH, 1859-1867. I must here state that a few of the names herein listed are of men for whom no records of work in Maine have been found to date. However, as was Dennison, who apprenticed in Maine but did no recorded work there, other than that apprenticeship, they are of Maine origin, and as such should be listed as horological sons of Maine.

iii. Fredyma in 13, Pg. 2, places Bailey in Portland. Palmer in 20, Pg. 142, has the same dates, but places Bailey in Hingham, MA, 1815-1820. Distin & Bishop in 8, Pg. 285, place Bailey in New Bedford, MA, c. 1800, with the comment that he also worked in Hingham. Flynt and Fales in 12, Pg. 149, definitely place him in Portland.

iv. Probably an orthographic error, possibly due to the sometimes nearly illegible handwriting of the period.

v. See New England Clock Company, below: in lvi.

vi. This endnote covers a number of names, all dated 1855, found in the Business Directory of the Maine Register for the year 1855. To date, no other corroborating data has been found which would establish whether the name listed is that of a maker, or of a dealer in clocks and watches. The names are listed under the headings of 'Clocks' and 'Watches and Jewelry' in the Directory. To avoid confusion, those listed in this directory are indicated in the above listing by an asterisk.

vii. The establishment of a possible connection between Cotton Bean in Limerick, and Bean & Day in Biddeford would be an interesting research activity. The two towns are not too far apart.

viii. Many of the references cited herein list an Abner Berwick of Berwick. Nutting has Abner Berwick in The Clock Book, (1924) but not in the Furniture Treasury (1933). Palmer in 20, Pg. 149, finally hedges with "probably Abner Rogers". Some sources also place him in Brunswick (9) and Portland (13).

ix. The only reference to a Moses Bliss I can find anywhere is that of a silversmith who lived and worked in Burlington, Vermont in the early 1800's; was the sundial displayed by Dr. Smith made in Maine, or was it just made for the then District of Maine? Is this the "Bliss's Standard Time Teller" that was placed on the south corner of the courthouse in Belfast in 1855? The implication is that Bliss lived and worked in Maine, although I can find no documentation to support the implication. He should probably not be considered a Maine maker. Attempts at correspondence with Dr. Smith have yielded a thundering silence.

x. This is probably the William Bond who is listed in many sources as at work in Boston, since he is supposed to have left Portland about 1801, when he is recorded as at work in Boston.

xi. I have serviced a Junghans tall-case, spring-driven three train clock which was sold by this company about 1915-1920 per the owner. Older residents of the Lewiston-Auburn area always spoke of the company as a dealer in fine furniture.

xii. Enoch Burnham was the first clockmaker in Paris. He taught the trade to Augustus Bemis (q.v.) who in turn taught his brother Jonathan, who died in Biddeford in 1851. (From the History of Paris, Oxford County, Maine: Wm. B. Lapham & Silas P. Maxim, 1884.)

xiii. The Master Retrieval Index (hereinafter: MRI) listings and the spelling of Cary's name in all lists should be corrected. Katra in 13, Pg. 12, establishes the spelling and that he was indeed a Jr. The existence of the firm of Eastman and Cary should also be noted in the MRI.

xiv. I believe this should be Churchill, not Church. The only record of a Wm. F. Church (always referred to as 'yeoman') I was able to find in the Somerset County records (Skowhegan is the shiretown for Somerset County) was a resident of Avon in what is now Franklin County. Coburn in 7 does not list a Church (except for a Lew Clyde Church of Minneapolis, Minn., a student at Colby College in 1902) as a resident of Skowhegan. She does mention on Pg. 711 a William F. Churchill, jeweler, etc.; involved in real estate dealings in 1811. I would very much like to examine the watch paper attributed to Church which is in the Landauer Collection.

xv. Judging from the differences in dates and locales, the conclusion is that there are two different Clapps listed here; possibly a senior and a junior. Amasa L. Clapp is probably the elder. Again, judging by the dates and locales, it is quite probable that he is the Clapp of Clapp & (Zebulon) Smith. Flynt and Fales in 12 , Pg. 326, establish this.

xvi. Fredyma in 13, Pg. 4, lists Cleaves & Kimball (1860), and Twambley & Cleaves (1870): both firms in Biddeford, but neither as makers. A further series of comments are endnoted after Twambley (76) later in this listing. Smith in 23, Pg. 1089, implies that E. W. Cleaves was with either George E. Twambley or his son, R. D. Twambley, as Twambley & Cleaves in Biddeford. Judging by dates and locales, it is much more likely to have been C. J. Cleaves. See further comments in lxxvi.

xvii. John Coburn was born in York, Maine, worked in Boston, per Flynt & Fales in 12, Pg.185.

xviii. Parsons in 22, Pg. 106, places James Collins (the brother) in Anson c. 1843. "James was not married, and moved to Anson, Maine, where he died." The subsequent note on a tavern keeper from Alfred who paid "James Collins of Goffstown $1" for a clock cleaning is a bit odd if it is intended as justification for Collin's residency in Maine. Alfred is much closer to Goffstown than it is to Anson. Perhaps Collins was travelling through, and picked up the odd clock job here and there.

xix. There is some disagreement on dates for Currier, ranging from 1820 (Palmer in 19, Pg. 335) to 1860-1875 (Fredyma in 13, Pg. 5). The locale is Waldoboro (regardless of the various spellings noted in several different sources, e.g., Waldenborough and Waldoborough) for both listings. While not an horological reference, it is recorded on Pg. 283 of Volume II of Jasper Jacob Stahls' History of Old Broad Bay and Waldoboro (The Bond Wheelwright Co., Portland, Maine: 1956) that in 1846 "the Sides property and the buildings of T. D. Currier...were wrapped in flames" in a fire that swept much of the town of Waldoboro.

xx. Smith in 24, Pg. 472, lists Deagan as the maker of the Holy Redeemer Catholic Church tower clock in Bar Harbor. The 1937 installation date is out of range for this list, yet I can find no other references to Deagan as a clockmaker. The J. C. Deagan Company did make tube carrillons [sic] which were placed in many churches and other buildings. Further, it is rather unusual to find a tower clock in a Roman Catholic church. A striking tower clock would quite likely interfere with the ringing of the canonical hours. The great majority of clocks (at least in the Northeast) seem to be found in Congregational churches, followed in order, more or less, by Methodist/Baptist, Universalist/Unitarian, and Episcopalian churches. I suspect the surveyor for this area was a bit less than attentive.

xxi. Smith in 23, Pg. 1078, states that Dermot was the successor to a T. W. His as the owner of a "jewelry, watch and clock store..." This footnote is not about Dermot, but about His. Other than this bit of information, does he have any other horological significance? Many who were possibly only dealers in clocks and watches are found in many lists: Why has His apparently been left by the wayside? I can find no other information on T. W. His in any reference. Margaret Crane (of Ch. 89) found that His should have been Hix, who was in partnership with a Thomas Blood in Rockland. It would be interesting to know the relationship between Simeon, Thomas, and William Blood.

xxii. The Derry Clock Co. probably did not make any clocks in Maine, but it was incorporated in Maine during the years 1908-1911.

xxiii. Flynt and Fales in 12, Pg. 205 relate that Dole was burned out in the great fire of 1811 in Newburyport, MA, then advertised in 1812 as being in the shop recently occupied by Sullivan Kendall (q.v.) in Hallowell. Benjamin Mead (q.v. ) worked for Dole, "Hired a watchmaker to do repairing..." Ebenezer Gove Dole was Dole's son, in 12, Pg. 205.

xxiv. Doten was for many years a jeweler and clock and watch repairman on Main Street in Lewiston. In 1905 he decided to make a clock. He finished it in 1934, his grandson still owns it, and I repaired it in the summer of 1989. The clock has a conventional two-train tallcase movement. It is odd in that the anchor is secured to its arbor with a set screw, and the crutch wire is fixed to the arbor. The crutch is so stiff and hard to reach when the movement is cased, that it is 'simpler' to set the clock in beat by loosening the set screw, changing the anchor position on its arbor and tightening the set screw.

xxv. It would be interesting to explore the relationship, if any, between Robert and Abiel, as they both worked in Belfast. It should be noted that Drepperd in 9, Pg. 221, appears to confuse Abiel and Abel EastmanÑlisting Abiel Eastman as in Concord and Haverill, MA. Distin & Bishop in 8, Pg. 301, also list Abel Eastman, as does Parsons in 22, Pg. 302, as Abel Blanchard Eastman. Flynt and Fales in 12, Pg. 209, state that his name appears with both spellings in Belfast references, and that he was born in Concord, NH. They make no reference to his possible work in Haverhill, MA. The conclusion is that Abel and Abiel are one and the same, but the relationship, if any, might be worth pursuit.

xxvi. Eckhardt in 10, on Ppg. 24 & 65, shows that S. Eastman gave his residence as Providence, RI, in his patent application. His only connection with Maine seems to be that he assigned his patent rights to the Synchronous Time Co. of Portland, Maine. I can find no other reference which lists Eastman as a resident of, or as working in, Maine. He is evidently listed by Smith in 23, Pg. 1093, as a Maine maker, more by inference than by his having worked in Maine.

    Name Residence Date Patent Number
EASTMAN, S. None listed Mar. 9 1886 337, 384
Clock - pendulum.
Assignor to Synchronous Time Co. of Portland, Maine.
EASTMAN, S.Providence, RIMar. 9, 1886337, 385
Electric regulator for pendulum clocks.
Assignor to Synchronous Time Co. of Portland, Maine

It is also curious that of the six names in Smiths' list in 23, Pg. 1093, only four of the names are listed in the MRI. C. H. Lucas and O. W. Smith are omitted.

xxvii. J. F. Felt and Jesse S. Felt may well be the same person. Both are listed as at work in Portland. The orthography of the times may have resulted in a confusion in the middle initial.

xxviii. H. Fernald is mentioned in the BULLETIN (Answer Box, #160, Pg. 735), as Watchmaker and dealer in Watches, Clocks, Charts, Musical Instruments, and Books, Optical Goods, Etc. Foe Street, Corner Union, Portland Maine. Jewelery, and Music Boxes, Nautical and Optical Instruments &c., Repaired.

xxix. Eckhardt in 10, on Pg. 45, provides the following:

    Name ResidenceDatePatent Number
FISKE, H. P., Waterville, CT? Maine? Oct. 7, 1879220, 227
Clock striking movement.
Assignor to FISKE, A., of Portland, Maine.

I feel there is a possible transcription error here. There was a Waterville, CT, (which I found in a 1904 atlas) but I can also find a Waterville, Maine. In that the patent rights have been assigned to a probable relative in Portland, he could be listed as a Maine maker, but more research needs to be done...

xxx. Fredyma in 13, Pg. 7, Parsons in 22, Pg. 311, and Flynt and Fales in 12, Pg. 219, are the only sources to place Fitz in Portland. Nutting in 18, Pg. 212, has a Fitz, (no first name) in Portsmouth, NH, c. 1769. All other references place Fitz in Portsmouth, NH, which is where he worked before he moved to Maine. Parsons places Fitz in Portland after 1798: Fitz advertised in Portland in 1802, sometime after which date he moved, first to Boston and then to New Orleans.

xxxi. There is some disagreement on dates for Foster ranging from 1803 (Palmer in 20, Pg. 195) to 1834 (Fredyma in 13, Pg. 7).

xxxii. Palmer, in his "Extension of...Listi(ng)" lists this firm as 'Gerrisk & Pearson'. Flynt and Fales in 12, Pg. 225, list Nathaniel Pearson as the nephew to whom Gerrish taught the trade of silversmith.

xxxiii. Fredyma in 13, Pg. 10, records 1860 for an S. Ingalls, and 1875 for an S. Ingalls & Son, both in Dexter. He also records on Pg. 9, a J. E. Gilman as in Portland in 1860, not as a maker.

xxxiv. The similarities in dates and names for both Richard Shotswell and Samuel Shatswell Goodhue are curious. Smith in 23, Pg. 1080, and Fredyma in 13, Pg. 8, give identical dates for both. Distin & Bishop in 8, Drepperd in 9, Moore in 17, Nutting in 18, and Palmer in 20 all give 1830 or 1834 dates. Distin & Bishop and Palmer both place Richard S. as in Augusta as well. Smith, who is the sole source on Samuel S., is quite specific about him. Flynt and Fales in 12 do not list Samuel at all, and spell the middle name differently. There is the remote possibility that because of the coincidences in the middle initial and the last name a transcription error years ago has finally reared its ugly head. After all, Abner Berwick, Henry S. Pierret and Henry Quimby still roam the pages of many references.

xxxv. See endnote xixl on Asa Lufkin. Lufkin seems to have moved about a bit, according to various sources. He obviously had different partners, but it is highly unlikely that he opened a branch in Boston.

xxxvi. Katra in 14, Pg. 25, has established that this name is properly spelled Grueby. Any MRI update should reflect the change.

xxxvii. Mampe in his article in Vol. XI, No. 8, Whole Number 114, pg. 659, writes of and illustrates Hall's clock. It is unfortunate that Washburn in 26, Pg. 50, does not specify any dates for either Amasa or Kilah Hall. He does note that Kilah came to Livermore from Raynham, MA. Monroe in 16 did not record their activities at all. Washburn does record that Amasa "was a watch maker and jeweller in the South and in Lewiston." One wonders if this is the Amasa W. Hall in Atlanta, GA, recorded by Palmer in 20, Pg. 205.

xxxviii. His (Hix), the forgotten man in Rockland. See endnote xxi.

xxxix. Smith in 24, Pg. 473, names Holbrook as the maker of the tower clock in the Eastport Congregational Church. No place, no date. Drepperd in 8, Pg. 236, lists a George H. Holbrook as in Brookfield and Medway, MA (1800's). Palmer in 18, Pg. 213, lists a Major George Holbrook in Wrentham, MA. He is therein recorded as a bell founder and maker of clocks placed in various meeting houses. He therefore could be a maker of either gallery or tower clocks, but there is no specific mention of tower clocks by him. Frederick Shelley and Carroll Morse (pers. coms.) affirm that Major George Holbrook was indeed the maker of this clock.

xl. An interesting aside is a comment in Britten: that Hunt is "alleged to be [the] original Sam Slick of [Thomas Chandler] Haliburton". For a while I thought I had something new about another Maine clockmaker. Alas, it was not to be! But, for those who wonder who San Slick was, he is a literary device invented by Thomas Chandler Haliburton of Nova Scotia, Canada, who used 'Samuel Slick, the Clockmaker' to convey his ideas on how the Province of Nova Scotia should be governed, and as a vox sine nomine in many commentaries concerning the social, business and legal aspects of life in the Province. Haliburton was a lawyer, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Justice of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, and Member of Parliament in England. Sam Slick also appears in various other manifestations: Attaché to the Court of St. James, United States Fisheries Commissioner, a Texan, and a philosopher, as well as by the pen of other authors. The prototype for Sam Slick the Clockmaker is considered to be a Nova Scotian named Stephen Ryerson, rather than Hunt. The Honorable Israel D. Andrews, of Eastport, Maine is considered to be the model for the Fisheries Commissioner. Oh, well, it was some rather interesting reading, anyway.

xli. Flynt and Fales in 12, Ppg. 256 & 339, establish both Ilsley and Titcomb as watchmakers and jewelers in Portland. The partnership lasted less than six months. See lxxv below.

xlii. Fredyma in 13, Pg. 10, records 1860 for an S. Ingalls, and 1875 for an S. Ingalls & Son, both in Dexter. He also records on Pg.9, a J. E. Gilman as in Portland in 1860, not as a maker.

xliii. Flynt and Fales in 12, Pg. 257, dispute Jackson's location in Kittery. Much more recent research, specifically Katra in 14, establish that Jackson was indeed in Kittery.

xliv. Eckhardt in 10 records the following on Pg. 195:

    NameResidence DatePatent Number
JOHNSON, J.Saco, MaineMay 4, 186989, 585

There is no J. Johnson listed in the Pepperellborough Records (11) of an appropriate date, but no vital statistics are recorded therein after about 1840.

xlv. See footnote xixl on Asa Lufkin. Possibly two different firms with the same name, since different sources have the firm in both Boston and in Maine. There is, however, no Lufkin alone listed as in Boston in any source I can find.

xlvi. Distin & Bishop in 8, Pg. 318, Drepperd in 9, Pg. 248, and Palmer in 20, Pg. 230, place Lamson in Salem, MA.

xlvii. Katra in 14, Pg. 12, and Flynt and Fales in 12, Pg. 269, mention a George Lovis & Co. c. 1805-06 in Portland. Katra also mentions a Joseph Lovis (1806) as at work as "a Watchmaker, Jeweller, and Gilder located at the sign of the Golden Watch in Fish Street" in Portland. I think this an excellent example of Nuttings' apparently following Moores' lead in the listing of names. Flynt and Fales, in 12, Ppg. 269-70, state that George, Joseph, and Josiah Lovis were brothers, who all worked in Portland from, at the least, 1800-10.

xlviii. Smith in 23, Pg. 1093, lists Lucas as a patent holder from Maine--no patent listed. Eckhardt in 10 on Ppg. 106 and 154, provides the following:

    Name Residence Date Patent Number
LUCAS, C. H.None listed May 29, 1883278, 347
Device for fitting hair springs to watches.
Assignor 1/2 interest to Chaffin, W. W., of Canton, Maine.

      (Is it worth wondering who W. W. Chaffin was? Was he horologically significant?

    Name ResidenceDatePatent Number
LUCAS, C. H.Canton, MaineMay 11, 1886v341, 812
Watchmakers' screwdriver.

Lucas is omitted from the MRI.

xlix. Carlisle in 4, Pg. 199, lists a D. E. Lucy as a jeweler at work in Waterbury, VT, from 1854-60. When a D. E. Lucy appears suddenly in Houlton in 1860, the possibility that these men are one and the same person is intriguing.

l. Fredyma in 13, Pg.12, and Flynt and Fales in 12, Pg. 270, are the only references that place this firm in Maine, and also provide dates for Asa Lufkin. All others place the firm in Boston, with no date for Lufkin, and no listing for anyone named Lufkin in the Boston area. There might be two different firms by the same name. Palmer in 20, Pg. 235, has no date for Asa Lufkin. (His source is from "Orlando, Me." Orland?) I think Flynt and Fales pretty much lay to rest any controversy as to dates and locations. On either Johnson or Goodnow, I can find no further information. One did not open a branch in Boston when one was in business in Bucksport in the early part of the nineteenth century.

li. Need data from Smith: but like pulling hen's teeth. Smith states that he was casemaker to Ranlet, so his dates are very likely nearly the same.

lii. These are two different indivduals. Palmer in 20, Pg. 244, lists Monroe in Bangor. Flynt and Fales in 12, Pg 284, list Munroe as in Portland with dates of 1796-1881. Died 2 February, 1881 in Medford, MA.

liii. Eckhardt in 10 provides the following on Ppg. 27 & 41:

    NameResidenceDatePatent Number
MORSE, A, Jr.,Bloomfield, MaineSep. 18, 1835No number
Machine for propelling clocks or timepieces by atmospheric condensed air.
MORSE, A. Jr.,Bloomfield, Maine Sep. 15, 1835No number
Machine for propelling clocks or timepieces by atmospheric condensed air.

liv. Drepperd in 9, Pg. 257, and Palmer in 20, Pg. 245, list an E. G. Moulton in Saco, same dates. Probably a transcription error. Distin & Bishop in 8, Pg. 324, have E. S. Moulton in NH, and E. G. Moulton in Saco. There is no E. G. Moulton listed by Fredyma in 13. Katra in 14, Pg. 36, lists only an E. S. Moulton. Parsons in 20, Pg. 324, lists only Edward S. Moulton. Is it possible that E. G. Moulton is the Enoch Moulton listed by Flynt and Fales in 12, Pg. 281, as at work in Portland, 1803-19?

lv. Flynt and Fales in 12, Pg. 282, record that Thomas Moulton "married Sara(h) P. Pike of Saco, 24 Feb., 1822. On 25 Mar., 1834 he sold land in Saco to Edward S. Moulton which formerly belonged to Humphrey Pike (q.v.) (See also lx) The implication here is that somehow Sarah is connected with Humphrey Pike, who died 28 Apr, 1808. First, Humphrey's son was born 5 Sept., 1808, so his widow Sarah (Emery) would have been looking for someone else. I doubt she would remain unmarried until 1822, and that she would not go home to Limerick. In those days, men and women needed each other for mutual support, or if single, lived with parents or relatives. After a thorough search of the FIRST BOOK of RECORDS of the Town of PEPPERELLBOROUGH, now the City of Saco, I found the following:
On Pg. 53, Thomas Moulton of Dover, NH, and Sarah P. Pike of Saco declared their intentions to marry on 22 Feb. 1821, and married 24 Feb. 1824. Sarah P. Pike might have been Humphrey's sister. On Pg. 140, Humphrey and Sarah Pike are recorded as born (twins?) on 12 Sept., 1791. This birth date does not agree with the birth date for Sarah P. Moulton on Pg. 106--24 June, 1799. Sarah P. Moulton could not have been Humphrey's widow--she would have been eight when they published their banns. Thomas Moulton died in 1834 at the age of 40; his family probably headed for New Hampshire and the safety and support of relatives.

lvi. Nutting in 18 places all of the Mullikens in Massachusetts, as does Moore in 17.

lvii. The information available on these companies is that the Bangor Electric Clock Co. was in business for an unknown period before 1898 (perhaps as early as 1891; 28, Pg. 14), and that its successor, the New England Electric Clock Co. was in business from 1898 to about 1902. Walter Dudley (according to Crum & Kellar, who also place him in the non-existent Maine towns of Everett and Somerville; both in MA) appears to be the primary patent(s) holder for the clocks the company made, and was perhaps the founder of the latter company. Dudley, oddly enough, is not listed in Eckhardt (10).

lviii. Parsons in 22, Pg. 325, states that Nutter, sometime before 1826, "was credited with erecting the first public clock in Portland, Maine." Nathaniel Hamlen placed the first public clock in Maine on a gable of his house in Augusta in 1785. Nutter was born in 1801. Smith in 24, Pg. 464, states that Simon Willard built the clock installed (in the then District of Maine) in the First Parish Church (North Church Meeting House per John Willard Ware in 25, Pg. 130) in Portland in 1802. The dates and places of the installations of the oldest public clocks in Maine per Smith in 24, Pgs. 464-7, seem to preclude Nutters' useful presence at any of these installations. I know our forefathers were a competent and precocious lot, but...! Unless and until further information surfaces, we should probably consider Nutter a NH maker. He should be listed in the MRI.

lix. Drepperd in 9, Pg. 262, and Distin & Bishop in 8, Pg. 328, are the only references to list this name. I have not been able to locate this name in any other reference, anywhere. There is a Patten, Maine, southwest of Houlton, north of Bangor; a Zebulon Smith worked in Bangor during the mid-1800's...Do you suppose---no, it's too much of a coincidence! But...remember Abner Berwick---perhaps Smith was from Patten? Further, he could have been confused with B.F.S. Patten, but I fail to see how.

lx. There seems to be some confusion on the proper spelling of this name. Pearson and Pierson both appear. Fredyma in 13, Ppg. 15 & 16, has an H. S. Pierson dated 1834, and also dates an H. S. Pearson as 1789-1878. Until further information is found, the names probably refer to the same person. Moore in 17 and Nutting in 18 list a Matthew Pierret just before Pierson. Palmer in 20, Pg. 258, lists a Henry S. Pierret with the data appropriate to Pierson. Distin & Bishop in 8, Pg. 329, list Henry S. Pierret, but do not list Matthew Pierret of Philadelphia at all. Pearson is probably correct, as per Flynt and Fales in 12, Pg. 295.

lxi. The First Book of Records of Pepperellborough (11) records on Pg. 140 that Humphrey Pike was born, (either twin to Sarah Pike, or registered on the same day), 12 September, 1780. His next appearance is on Pg. 20, wherein Humphrey Pike and Mary Dunham of Biddeford record their intentions of marriage, 19 October, 1805. Then (who knows what happened in the interim?) on Pg. 23, Humphrey Pike and Sarah Emery of Limerick record their intentions of marriage on 7 March, 1807. They obviously carried their intentions to fruition, for although Pg. 215 records the death of Humphrey Pike on 28 April, 1808, the last entry for Humphrey Pike is on Pg. 151: "Humphrey Pike, son of Humphrey Pike, deceased, and Sarah Pike his wife, was born 5 September, 1808". I very much suspect that the Records of Pepperellborough and Mr. Katra (in 14, Pg. 77) are talking about two different people, since his Humphrey Pike was "born 15 October 1780", (I can't find that record in the First Book of Records) also married a Sarah Emery of Limerick in 1807, moved to Limerick, and bought land in Limerick in 1837 and was still prospering in 1847! Flynt and Fales in 12, Pg. 282, record that Thomas Moulton (q.v.) "married Sara P. Pike of Saco, 24 Feb., 1822. On 25 March, 1834 he sold land in Saco to Edward S. Moulton which formerly belonged to Humphrey Pike..." Which Pike are we listing? The 1855 Business Directory has Humphrey Pike residing and working in Saco in 1855. Obviously, more research is needed.

lxii. Distin & Bishop in 8, Pg. 329 place Place in Charlestown, Maryland!

lxiii. Louise Helen Coburn in 7 records on Pg. 104: "John Pooler on Pooler's Hill was skillful in repairing watches..." circa 1800-1810.

lxiv. Eckhardt in 10 records the Pope Manufacturing Co. of Portland, Maine, as the assignee of the rights to a patent concerning a chiming mechanism for clocks which was issued to an Englishman, J. Harrington, in 1887.  I have to date found no other references to the company.  The following is recorded on Pg. 21:

    Name Residence Date Patent Number
HARRINGTON, J.Coventry, Co.Warwick, EnglandNov. 8, 1887372, 849
Chiming apparatus for clocks.
Assignor by mesne, assignment to Pope Mfg. Co., of Portland, Maine
Webmaster's comment: Eckhardt must be in error; the U.S.Patent Office online database shows that this patent was assigned to Walter R. Durfee, of Providence, R.I., who is well known as a maker of very high quality chiming longcase clocks.  (He also made tower chimes with tubular bells, as the American licensee of another of Harrington's patents.)  The obscure word "mesne" means "intermediary," but it is difficult to see how an apparently non-existent company could have been an intermediary between Harrington and Durfee.

lxv. Purinton/Purington are very close in their spelling. Katra in 14, Pg. 63, records that Abner Rogers contemplated moving to North Berwick in 1803 "together with Wm. Purinton, apprentice boy." Abners' father Paul in 1816 took an Elizabeth Purin(g)ton as his second wife. The coincidence of an apprenticed William Purinton in 1803 and a William Purin(g)ton at work in Portland in 1811 (Fredyma in 13, Pg. 16; Flynt and Fales in 12, Pg. 306) makes one wonder whether there was a family connection between William and Elizabeth Purin(g)ton? Recorded variations in orthography in those times do suggest that a connection (both familial and horological) is possible. Further, Flynt and Fales record that "this clock- and watchmaker was carrying on business at Getchel's Corner in Vassalborough. The name also appears on land records in Bowdoinham between 1832 and 1859".

lxvi. Henry Quimby (probably Quincy) is more than likely a transcription error. However, while assuming the guise of Henry Pearson/Pierson/Quimby, he may also be known as Henry Pierret, joining the august company of Abner Berwick, who worked in Berwick or in Brunswick or in Portland, depending on which of many authorities--even Britten!--one consults.

lxvii. Probably most properly Ranlet. I've serviced a signed Samuel Ranlet tall-case in Waterville. Palmer in his "Extension of...List(ing)" states that the spelling 'Ranjlett' has been found on the dials of three different clocks.

lxviii. Parsons records: in 22, Pg. 295, "Concord from Newburyport 2/13/1801, cabinetmaker 1821 to Alfred, Maine where died 9/6/1847 at age 77. Tall clock w. label and movt. by T. Chandler..." As he was only 51 when he moved to Alfred, he could have made cases while in Alfred. The dates would have made him a contemporary of Thomas Moulton.

lxix. Monroe in 16, Pg. 197, records that Rowell was in partnership with a D. S. Thompson in a "store that carried watches, clocks, and jewelry."

lxx. Abner Lowell and William Senter are individually recorded in the MRI, but their firm is not.

lxxi. Eckhardt in 10 records the following on Pg. 40:

    Name Residence Date Patent Number
SHAW, F. L. None listed Dec. 2, 1890 441, 708
Winding arbor for clocks.
Assignor 2/3 interest to Kalloch, B. K., of Rockland, Maine

Other than that he assigned a partial interest to someone from Rockland, I can't see that this record justifies categorizing Shaw as a Maine maker. Unfortunately, it is the only record I have been able to find. On the other hand, why did he assign part of his interest to someone in Maine? Who was Kalloch? Is he of interest to someone doing research on the clockmakers of Maine's "stern and rockbound coast?"

lxxii. Eckhardt in 10 provides this record on Pg. 154:

    NameResidenceDatePatent Number
SMITH, O. W. Bangor, MaineMar. 27, 1883 274, 837
Tool for watch repairers.

O. W. Smith is listed by Smith in 23, Pg. 1093, but his name does not appear in the MRI.

lxxiii. Zebulon Smith is the Smith of Clapp & Smith in Bangor (see xv above). Flynt and Fales in 12, Pg. 326, also list Smith & (Henry F.) Skerry as at work in Bangor in 1846.

lxxiv. Flynt and Fales in 12, Pg. 334 show silversmith's marks for B. Swan, B. & M.M. Swan, and M. M. Swan, but provide no biographical data for Moses, nor on their joint venture.

lxxv. The Synchronous Time Co. of Portland (and Boston) is the assignee of patent rights to six different patents granted to four different individuals per Eckhardt in 10; Pgs. 24, 65 and 68. No other information on this company has been uncovered to date.

    Name Residence Date Patent Number
CLARKE, J. H. Boston, MA Mar. 9, 1887 337, 4161
& Mar. 9, 1887337, 4182
MILLARD, G. W. Providence, RI Mar. 9, 1887 337, 4193
1 Means for regulating a pendulum from a distance.
2 Means for regulating a marine clock from a distance.
3 Apparatus for regulating a pendulum from a distance.
Assignors to Synchronous Time Co., of Portland, Maine.
EASTMAN, S. None listed Mar. 9 1886 337, 384
Clock - pendulum.
Assignor to Synchronous Time Co. of Portland, Maine.
EASTMAN, S. Providence, RI Mar. 9, 1886337, 385
Electric regulator for pendulum clocks.
Assignor to Synchronous Time Co. of Portland, Maine.
SCALES, W. S. Somerville, MA Nov. 6, 1888 392, 230
Electric regulating and hand setting mechanism for clocks.
Assignor to Synchronous Time Co., of Portland, Maine.

lxxvi. Flynt & Fales in 12, Pg. 339, record that Titcomb was partner to Ilsley, 1825-26 in Portland. Moved to Bangor 1832, in partnership with his brother Phillip 1835.

lxxvii. There seems to be more than a little confusion on the various Tw(o)ambleys and Cleaveses. Smith in 23, Pg. 1089, states that George E. Twambley worked as a watch repairer in Biddeford in 1884, and that his son R. D. Twambley (no date) was at a different location in the same town. Smith also writes that "He (which he?) was associated with Cleaves, as Twambley and Cleaves, about 1870." The implication seems to be that the Cleaves here involved is the E. W. Cleaves whom Smith listed earlier in the article as a watchmaker and jeweller in Steuben, c. 1857. Palmer in 19, Pg. 297, lists a Twombley & Cleaves as at work in Biddeford c. 1870. Fredyma in 13, Pg. 20, concurs in the dating, but the name is Twambley. Fredyma also lists a Samuel G. Twambley (1880) and Samuel G. Twambley & Son (1895) in Biddeford. Eckhardt in 10 records on Pg. 153:
NameResidenceDatePatent Number
TWAMBLEY, S. G.Biddeford, MaineMar. 15, 186441, 966
Lathe rest for turning watch wheels.
Fredyma in 13, Pg. 4, notes a Cleaves & Kimball in 1860 in Biddeford, as well as a C. J. Cleaves in 1860 (Pg. 4) in Biddeford, and Twambley & Cleaves in 1870. My conclusion is that the three Tw(o)ambleys may all be related to one another, someone made a transcription error; and that all three (Twombley is likely the correct spelling) Twombleys were at work in Biddeford at about the same time. E. W. Cleaves (Smith in 23, Pg. 1078, noted in 16 above) worked down the coast in Steuben; and C. J. Cleaves was the one involved with at least one of the three Tw(o)ambleys, c. 1870 in Biddeford.

lxxviii. Of the references cited, only Palmer in 20, Pg. 298, refers to Upjohns' sojourn and possible work as a clockmaker in Maine. Moore in 17 and Nutting in 18 merely mention that he was a member of the Clockmakers' Company and came from England in 1802. Distin & Bishop in 8, Pg. 341, seem to question his presence in Maine.

lxxix. Although the locations are different for these two names, I suspect that they are the same person. Paris, Norway and Livermore Falls are not that far apart.

lxxx. BULLETIN of the NAWCC, Inc., Vol. VII, No. 5, Whole Number 65: Review of Current Periodicals, Pg. 327; Antiques Journal, May 1956. Article by Brooks Palmer: Robert Wentworth, Clockmaker of Maine. Wentworth was born in Buxton in 1786. He made his first clock in 1810, and worked as a clockmaker for some 10 years, until an accident caused the loss of his left arm.

lxxxi. Fredyma in 13, Pg. 21, lists Wheaton as in Portland in 1812. Flynt and Fales in 12, Pg. 355, place both (Godfrey) Wheaton and (John W.) Douglas in Portland in 1812. These are the only sources which put either Godfrey Wheaton or Wheaton & Douglas in Maine. All other lists place these names in Providence in a probable confusion with Caleb and Calvin Wheaton who were in Providence during the same period.

lxxxii. Drepperd in 8, Pg. 288 and Distin & Bishop in 8, Pg. 344, place Wilkins in Wiscasset, RI; Palmer in 20, Pg. 308, asks Maine or RI, but lists Drepperd as his source. Flynt and Fales in 12, Pg. 359, definitely put him in Wiscasset, Maine.

lxxxiii. Again, Eckhardt in 10 records on Pg. 21:

    NameResidenceDatePatent Number
WORTHLEY, N. T.Brunswick, MaineSep. 16, 1873142, 975
Clock - Calendar.

Worthley is not recorded in the MRI as a Maine clockmaker.

lxxxiv. Palmer notes his birth in the then District of Maine (Lincoln County, MA) Apprenticed to John Osgood in Utica, NY.


1. ANTIQUES Magazine, Vol. 64, No. 2: August 1953: Pg. 122. Article and photographs by Albert L. Partridge.

2. BAILEY, Chris L., TWO HUNDRED YEARS OF AMERICAN CLOCKS AND WATCHES: Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 1975

3. BRITTEN'S OLD CLOCKS and WATCHES AND THEIR MAKERS (Ninth Edition): Ed., G. H. Bailie, Courtnay Ilbert, & Cecil Clutton: Bloomsbury Books, London, England. 1986

4. CARLISLE, Lillian Baker, VERMONT CLOCK and WATCHMAKERS, SILVERSMITHS, and JEWELERS, 1778-1878: The Stinehour Press, Lunenburg, Vermont. 1970

5. CHASE, Mary Ellen, A GOODLY HERITAGE: Henry Holt and Company,Inc., New York. 1932

6. CHASE, Mary Ellen, JONATHAN FISHER, Maine Parson 1768 - 1847: The Macmillan Co., New York. 1948

7. COBURN, Louise Helen, SKOWHEGAN ON THE KENNEBEC: The Independent-Reporter Press, Skowhegan, Maine. 1941

8. DISTIN, (William H.) and BISHOP (Robert): THE AMERICAN CLOCK: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc. New York. 1976

9. DREPPERD, Carl W., AMERICAN CLOCKS AND CLOCKMAKERS: Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, New York. 1947

10. ECKHARDT, George H., UNITED STATES CLOCK and WATCH PATENTS, 1790-1890: The Record of a Century of American Horology and Enterprise. Privately printed, New York. 1960

11. FIRST BOOK of RECORDS of the Town of PEPPERELLBOROUGH, now the CITY OF SACO, printed by vote of the CITY COUNCIL, March 18, 1895: The Thurston Print, Portland, Maine. 1896

12. FLYNT, Henry N. & FALES, Martha Gandy, The Heritage Foundation Collection of Silver, with Biographical Sketches of New England Silversmiths, 1625-1825: The Heritage Foundation, Old Deerfield, Massachusetts. 1968

13. FREDYMA, James P., A Directory of Maine Silversmiths and Watch and Clock Makers: Right Printing Company, Inc., White River Junction, Vermont. 1972

14. KATRA, Joseph R. Jr., Clockmakers & Clockmaking In Southern Maine 1770-1870: A Supplement to the BULLETIN of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc.: Number 17, Summer 1989. 514 Poplar Street, Columbia, PA. 1989

15. MASTER RETRIEVAL INDEX to the BULLETIN of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc.; for TIMEKEEPER issues 1-6, BULLETIN Volumes 1-27 (Whole Numbers 1-239: BULLETIN Supplements A-E, and 1-14, including the RETRIEVAL INDICES in Whole Numbers 245, 251, 257, 263, and 269 and the pertinent Supplements, to # 18. The listing has been updated to reflect the listings found in the latest Master Index (1944-1994). It should be noted that many of the articles and other reviews and notes, etc., found in the BULLETIN are not referenced individually. Major source articles published in the BULLETIN, such as those listed in refs. 23 and 24, are separately listed due to their importance as a primary foundation stone in the construction of this listing. If a BULLETIN article is the sole source reference, the name will be listed below:
    Wright, Charles Cushing: Vol. 5, Whole Number 41, Pg.90
    Blanck, L. : Vol. 5, Whole Number 41, Pg. 91
    Hall, Kilah: Vol. 13, Whole No. 114, Pg. 659
    Howard & Town: Vol. 32, Whole No. 269, Pg. 589
    Sugden, E. O. : Vol. 26, Whole No. 228, Pg. 61

16. MONROE, Ira Thompson, HISTORY OF LIVERMORE AND ITS' PIONEERS: Lewiston Journal Printshop, Lewiston, Maine 1928

17. MOORE, Mrs. N. Hudson, THE OLD CLOCK BOOK: Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York. 1911

18. NUTTING, Wallace, THE CLOCK BOOK: Facsimile Edition, Modern Books and Crafts, Inc., Green Farms, Connecticut. 1975

_____: THE FURNITURE TREASURY: The University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1933

19. PALMER, Brooks, A TREASURY of AMERICAN CLOCKS: Macmillan Company, New York. 1968

20. PALMER, Brooks, THE BOOK of AMERICAN CLOCKS: Macmillan Company, New York. 1967

21. PALMER, Brooks, The Antiques Journal, May 1956, Pg. 24

22. PARSONS, Charles S., NEW HAMPSHIRE CLOCKS and CLOCKMAKERS: Adams-Brown Co., Exeter, New Hampshire. 1976

23. SMITH, Charles W.. Jr., A History Of Clockmaking In Maine From 1750 to 1900: BULLETIN of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc., Vol. XV, No. 9, Whole Number 163, April 1973: 514 Poplar Street, Columbia, PA. 17512

24. SMITH, Dr. Charles W., THE TOWER CLOCKS OF MAINE: A Report by Chapter 89: BULLETIN of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc., Vol. XX, Whole Number 196, October 1978: 514 Poplar Street, Columbia, PA 17512

25. WARE, John Willard, Simon Willard and his Clocks: Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1968 (Reprint of A History of Simon Willard, Inventor and Clockmaker: E. O. Cockayne, Boston 1911)

26. WASHBURN, Israel, Jr. NOTES, HISTORICAL, DESCRIPTIVE, AND PERSONAL, of Livermore in Androscoggin County, Maine. Bailey & Noyes, Portland, Maine 1874

27. Sources for which I have not been able to get all pertinent data, such as Antiques Journal, and some articles in copies of the BULLETIN which are no longer available are mentioned in the endnotes appended to this listing.

28. CRUM, Elmer G. & KELLER, William F. Ed. 150 Years of Electric Horology: Printed in the United States. 1992

29. ADAMS, George, The MAINE REGISTER, for the Year 1855: embracing State and County Officers, and an Abstract of the Laws and Resolves; together with a complete Business Directory of the State.
    Blake & Carter, Portland, Maine.
    George R. Davis, Portland, Maine.
    Masters, Smith & Co., Hallowell, Maine.
    Edward Fenno, Augusta, Maine.
    David Bugbee & Co. Bangor
    and other registers from 1868, 1877-78, and 1880-83 from the records of Rockland, Maine.

30. Plummer, Francis Sr., LISBON, The History of a Small Town: Twin City Printery, Lewiston, Maine. 1970

31. SPRAGUE, Laura Fecych, Ed., AGREEABLE SITUATIONS Society, COMMERCE, AND ART IN SOUTHERN MAINE, 1780-1830. The Brick Store Museum, Kennebunk, Maine.

32. Harris, J. Carter, The Clock and Watchmaker's American Advertiser 1707 1800. Unpublished manuscript held at the NAWCC Library. 1984.

Although many of these names appear in Britten (9th Ed., 1986) I chose not to use this as a reference, as the majority of the entries for American horologists, without any important exceptions, appear to depend very heavily on Moore who, oddly enough, is not cited as a reference, nor does she appear in the Select Bibliography (Pg. 675).  Nutting, whose CLOCK BOOK and Furniture Treasury are cited, appears to depend very heavily on Moore as a source.  Further, the listings in Britten are directed toward English makers, with the comment "that additions outside London are again not exhaustive, but 'facts which happened to be within reach'."  I was initially disenchanted when I found Britten listed BERWICK, Abner, with a perfectly straight face, but found the same name again and again in the records compiled in this country, ranging from Moore in 1911, to Distin & Bishop in 1976.  Wouldn't it be nice to find an Abner Berwick somewhere in the records?

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