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TSCC 134 name

Tower and Street Clock Chapter #134 is a
Special Interest Chapter of the
National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors.

Chapter Officers, 2018-21
President: Don Bugh
4575 Sandpiper Cove
College Station, TX   77845
Tel: 979-224-2681
Vice President: Eric Ryback
7343 Westmoreland Drive
Saint Louis, MO   63130
Tel: 314-651-1051
Secretary/Treasurer: Fred Stark
1274 Smokey Row Lane
Carmel, IN   46033
Tel: 317-519-2732
Newsletter Editor: Russ Oechsle
5 Clinton Street
Homer, NY   13077-1103
Tel: 607-343-5394

About Chapter #134
Chapter 134 was chartered in 1985 to satisfy a need for those of us who are fascinated by those huge old clocks, once known as "everyone's pocket watch".  The members of this Chapter are scattered all over the country and the world, in contrast to the more usual geographical centering of a Chapter's membership.  The majority of tower clocks (known in England as turret clocks) and street clocks are also widely scattered, and are rather difficult to collect.

The Chapter holds regular meetings in conjunction with three Regional or National Meetings of NAWCC, as follows:

  • the Southern Ohio Regional (usually in April; at Wilmington, OH in 2024)
  • the National Convention (usually in June or July; at Chattanooga, TN in 2024)
  • the Eastern States Regional (usually in August; at Liverpool, NY in 2020)
  • For further information on these meetings, including registration, see the Events page at the NAWCC Website.

An important activity of the Chapter is NAWCC's Public Time Initiative, currently in Phase IB as the Spot-A-Clock project.  Contributions to this project from the public are now welcomed.

The chapter was originally named the Tower Clock Chapter, and focused its interests entirely on tower clocks.  In 2015, the name of the chapter was changed and the focus was expanded to include street clocks; the name of the newsletter was changed accordingly.  The newsletter was renamed again in 2018, without interruption of the current issue numbering system.

The background of this page illustrates the clock tower at NAWCC's Headquarters and Museum building in Columbia, Pennsylvania.

Becoming a Member of Chapter #134
To join the chapter, you must first be a member of NAWCC.   Then send to our Treasurer (see the list of Chapter Officers above) your NAWCC Member Number along with your dues, which at present are $10.00 per year.   Anyone with an interest in tower clocks or street clocks is welcome.

Benefits of chapter membership:
->   A newsletter, Public Time, is published occasionally.  See our Newsletters page for an overview of the current issue as well as back issues.
->   Online publicity for your business or interests which relate to tower clocks and/or street clocks; see the public Members page.  You can include as little or as much information as you wish (subject to the discretion of the Note that email addresses are obscured by special coding so that you need not fear the possibility of their being harvested by Webcrawlers for nefarious purposes.
->   Access to additional resources as identified below.

Tower clock resources
On this Website:
Elsewhere on the World Wide Web:
  • English-language Wikipedia article on turret clocks (i.e., tower clocks)
  • English-language Wikipedia article on clock towers (i.e., towers with clock faces)

    From these two Wikipedia articles, other clock-related articles can be found.  However, there is not yet an article about street clocks.

  • At the Waymarking Website, the category Town Clocks identifies more than 7000 tower clocks, street clocks, outdoor bracket clocks and other varieties of public clocks, and the number grows daily.  (So it might better be named Public Clocks.)  Unfortunately, it takes extra steps to get into that category from a feasible URL.  On the page linked above, enter "town clocks" into the "find a category" search field.  Two categories show up, along with their definitions; click on Town Clocks.  You will see the first of many pages of listings, sorted by default into chronological order by date of posting.  You can change the sort order with the dropdown menu in the gray Waymarks panel; you can also expand the blue Search Criteria panel to restrict the listing to a particular state, or filter it in other ways.

  • The Website of the Turret Clock Group of the Antiquarian Horological Society (UK) is extensive, and some of its resources are only available to its members.

  • The Website of the association for tower clockworks in the Netherlands is in Dutch, but includes a helpful locator map for over 800 such clocks.

This page was originally designed for Chapter #134 by the late Donn Haven Lathrop.
After re-hosting, it is now being maintained by
Carl Scott Zimmerman.
If you have any comments or suggestions,

This page was last revised on 4 Apr 2024.

Made with a Mac (spinning logo)