American Tower Clocks, 1717 - 2015

For street clocks only, go to Street Clock Makers.

The page below is divided into three parts of approximately equal size.  Part 1, covering the years 1717 to 1839, follows this heading immediately.  If you wish to go to a different section, click here for Part 2, covering the years 1840 to 1871, or here for Part 3, covering the years 1875 to the present.

Clicking on the link to the right of the name will take you to another page that lists all the known installations/existing clocks by that particular maker.  There are three such pages, corresponding to the three sections of this page.  If you wish, you can browse these sections by using the links below:

Section I: 1717 - 1839 Section II: 1840 - 1871 Section III: 1875 - Present

Editor's note:  The years given in the list below appear to reflect the earliest known installation by each maker.  Each maker's period of operation can be deduced from the linked list of known installations.
Phillips, Joseph                1717    Phillips

James, William                  1717    James

Bagnall, Benjamin               1718    Bagnall

Claggett, William               1720    Claggett

Parmelee, Ebenezer              1726    Parmelee

Witt, Dr. Christopher           1735    Witt

Ward, Macock                    1738    Ward

Neisser, Augustine              1747    Neisser

Whitear, John                   1748    Whitear

Miller, Aaron                   1759    Miller

Stretch, Thomas                 1759    Stretch

Duffield, Edward                1762    Duffield

Eberhardt, Johann               1766    Eberhardt

Urletig, Valentine              1767    Urletig

Frary, Obadiah                  1768    Frary

Brown (Browne), Gawen           1769    Brown

Luscomb, Samuel                 1773    Luscomb

Eberman, John, Jr.              1785    Eberman

Hamlen, Nathaniel               1785    Hamlen

Dudley, Benjamin                1786    Dudley

Harland, Thomas                 1790    Harland

Burnap, Daniel                  1791    Burnap

Heisely, Frederick              1791    Heisely

Smith, Luther                   1794    Smith

Loesch, Johann Jacob            1797    Loesch

Baldwin, Asa                    1798    Baldwin

Jocelin, Simeon                 1799    Jocelin

Stowell, Abel                   1799    Stowell

Huston, James                   1800    Huston

Willard, Simon                  1802    Willard

Holbrook, Major George          1803    Holbrook

Parker, Gardner                 1806    Parker

Ridgeway, James                 1809    Ridgeway

Terry, Samuel                   1811    Terry

Lukens, Isaiah                  1812    Lukens

Elliott, Luther                 1815    Woolson
Woolson, Thomas, Jr.            1815    Woolson

Hughes, John                    1815    Hughes

Hasham (Hassam), Stephen        1816    Hasham

Clark, Jehiel, Sr.              1820    Clark

Hotchkiss, Elisha, Jr.          1820    Hotchkiss

Willard, Aaron, Jr.             1824    Willard

Davison (Davidson), Barzillai   1825    Davison

Washburn, Asa                   1825    Washburn

Harmony Society                 1827    Harmony

Curtis, Joel                    1828    Curtis

Brown, David                    1829    Brown

Whitehead, John                 1830    Whitehead

Heisely, George J.              1830    Heisely

Demilt, Samuel & Benjamin       1831    Demilt

Holbrook, George Handel         1831    Holbrook

Terry, Eli                      1833    Terry

Morrill, Benjamin               1835    Morrill

Custer, Jacob                   1836    Custer

Chase & Quimby                  1836    Chase & Quimby
Chase, Timothy                  1836    Chase
Quimby, Phineas Parkhurst       1836    Quimby

Green, Josiah                   1837    Green

Byram, Ephraim N.               1838    Byram

Meneely, Andrew                 1839    Meneely

End of Division 1.
Top of this page.
Beginning of Division 2.

Hill,  Benjamin Morris, Jr.     1840    Hill

Willard, Benjamin Franklin      1840    Willard

Beals Clock Establishment       1842    Beals

Dennison, Aaron Lufkin          1842    Dennison

Verdin, The Company             1842    Verdin

Smith's Clock Establishment     1842    Smith's

Dewey, Hiram Todd               1843    Dewey

Howard, Edward                  1843    Howard

Hopkins, Henry A.               1845    Hopkins

Pollhans, Phillip               1845    Pollhans

Stephenson, Howard & Davis      1845    Stephenson, Howard & Davis

Stowell, Abel, Jr.              1845    Stowell

Rogers (Rodgers), James         1846    Rogers

Speed, John J.                  1846    Speed  [data lost?]

Douglass, John                  1847    Douglass

Clark, Jehiel, Jr.              1847    Clark

Howard & Davis                  1847    Howard & Davis

Brown, Joseph R.                1849    Brown

Hopkins, Wright & Millard       1850    Hopkins, Wright & Millard

Sherry & Byram                  1850    Sherry & Byram

Van Riper, Austin W.            1850    Van Riper

Anderson, David M.              1850    Anderson

Reeve & Co.                     1852    Reeve

H. Sperry & Co.                 1851    Sperry

Thwing, Almon                   1851    Thwing

Sharpe, Julius                  1853    Sharpe

Bailey, Thomas I.               1854    Bailey

Stokell, John                   1855    Stokell

Crane, Aaron Dodd               1858    Crane

Stone & Marshall                1859    Stone

Card, Milton                    1859    Card

Stone, John                     1859    Stone

Turret & Marine Clock Co.       1858    Turret & Marine

Hotchkiss, Andrew Stephen       1859    Hotchkiss

Haskell, Moody                  1860    Haskell

Stevens, Collins                1862    Stevens

Turret Clock Co.                1862    Turret Clock Co.

Stevens, George M. & Co.        1864    Stevens

Taylor, Alonzo                  1864    Taylor

Dunster (Dempster) Charles      1865    Dunster

Deuble, George Michael          1868    Deuble

Spellier, Louis                 1870    Spellier

Jones, George A.                1872    Jones

Thomas, Seth                    1872    Thomas

Fasoldt, Charles                1873    Fasoldt

End of Division 2.
Top of this page.
Beginning of Division 3.

Schwalbach, Mathias             1873    Schwalbach

Marshall, Justice               1874    Marshall

Geiring, Floria                 1875    Geiring

Russell, George W.              1875    Russell
	[This date does not match the date of installation in listings page 1. / Ed.]

Hendrie, William A.             1876    Hendrie

Johnson, Nels                   1876    Johnson

Century Clock Co.               1876    Johnson

Powers, David                   1876    Powers

Pollhans, Adam Edward           1878    Pollhans

Robinson, S. W.                 1878    Robinson

Ericson, Carl                   1879    Ericson

Clifford, Alfred D.             1880    Clifford

Heebner, David S.               1884    Heebner

Barborka, Joseph                1890    Barborka

Western Tower Clock Manufactory 1890    Western Tower Clock

Johnson, Warren Seymour         1895    Johnson

Johnson, David Brooke           192?    Johnson

Logan, Sydney Algernon          1920    Logan

Balzer, The Family              1994    Balzer

End of Division 3.

Top of this page.

Return to Early American Tower Clocks.

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